01 May 2011

Perfect start to the day

Is there any better way to start the day than a walk on the beach? 

Here's Seca, asking "why aren't we walking yet?"  It was a challenge to keep her out of the surf, but we'd just put Frontline on her (so no getting wet for 2 days), and she tends to drink the salt water (yuck), and we would rather not have a wet and sandy dog in the truck for the trip home (double yuck).  So, we all stayed dry.

And just to prove that we really do eat (homemade) pizza a lot, here's last night's (totally awesome, best crust EVER) dinner.  Steve says it's better than most pizza restaurants.  :) 
I tried something different with the crust:  1 part bread flour to 2 parts all purpose flour.  It was perfect - light by chewy, crispy on the bottom and soft on the top/inside.  The recipe (roughly, since I never measure): 2 cups all purpose flour, 1 cup bread flour, ~1 teaspoon sugar, ~1/2 teaspoon salt, ~2 teaspoons yeast, and ~1 to 1 1/2 cups warm water.  The water is the biggest guess.  Just add enough to make a sticky dough when you stir.  Maybe next time I make it I'll take pictures of each step.  It's so easy to make!

Having a big dog is great, but that also makes her able to see onto the table.  Here she was eyeballing our pizza then trying to make me feel guilty for not giving her any...  Yes, we keep a camera on the table.  You know, just in case.

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