19 May 2011


I got up at 6 am and went snorkeling.  The corals start in about 4 feet of water, about 15 feet from the beach.  I don't think I've ever seen so much cool stuff so close to a beach.  If you go out about 100 meters there's a 3000 foot drop off (wall) that is popular for scuba divers.  I swam out there to check it out - kinda creepy to see the ocean floor drop away into blackness so fast.

The water is clear and warm.  No sharks seen (whew!).  Tyree had a waterproof camera and took some pictures (thanks Tyree!)...

This one was probably more than 6 feet wide.
 There's a small black fish right in the center of this photo - it's an invasive lionfish.  If I had had a way to catch it, I would have!

And proof that I was there - the ubiquitous picture of my feet!

And, last photo of the day...a cute (tiny!) anole that I spotted on a leaf during a break in the meeting. 

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