08 May 2011

Tubing the Edisto River

According to Wikipedia, the Edisto River is the longest free-flowing blackwater river in North America.  According to me, it's a great river on which to spend a lazy May afternoon.  On Sunday morning, thirteen of us met at Givhans Ferry State Park (and dutifully hid our beer until onto the river...these crazy state parks here...) and spent four leisurely hours floating down the river.  It was a perfect day - mid-80s and a bit humid - and the water was cool enough to make the sun feel nice.  I kept up a nice coating of 100 spf sunscreen (darn those Norwegian genes) and managed to make it through the day relatively unscathed.

The trip leader mentioned that he's seen alligators on the river, but thankfully we didn't spot any.  All day I kept thinking about this commercial for Hostess cupcakes, but replace the shark with an alligator.  It makes me giggle.  We even brought some Hostess cupcakes along on the float, just in case. 

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