15 May 2011

Turbo prop to St. Croix

I have a data workshop in St. Croix this week (I know, boo hoo, what a horrible place for a meeting).  Let me assure you that I will post pictures as soon as I can.  It's gorgeous here.  Steve, let's move!

The plane ride here from Puerto Rico was really cool - a tiny, twin engine Cessna 402 that seats nine passengers and one pilot...and the ninth passenger sits in the co-pilot seat.  I was totally bummed that I didn't get to sit there.  I got the seat immediately behind the pilot, with my knees squished to either side of his seat so I didn't knee him in the back.  The plane is so small that they fit luggage wherever they can - in the nose, in a tiny compartment behind the propellers, and tucked around our seats.  When you check in for your boarding pass you have to tell them your weight and have every piece of luggage weighed.  Then before you get on the plane everyone lines up and they tell you where to sit based on your weight so the plane is balanced.  Our luggage didn't make it on the flight, so hopefully it will arrive tomorrow.  This isn't the best place to not have a change of clothes - it's very humid and the plane wasn't air conditioned.

I was a bit nervous taking off - full plane, pretty warm outside...I was afraid we wouldn't have enough lift to get off the ground.  No worries though, we lifted off well before the end of the runway in San Juan.  Soon after takeoff the pilot unbuckled his seat belt.  I thought that was odd given the weather - a massive looming thunderstorm ahead.  When it started to rain so hard you couldn't see anything ahead, and the pilot clicked his seat belt back on, I cranked mine down a bit tighter.  We hit a bit of turbulence, but overall not bad, and the landing was probably the smoothest I've ever felt.

I'm off to bed soon, but will post photos as soon as I can.  The rooms here are beautiful but odd.  The only place there's glass is on the patio doors to the screened in balcony, and everywhere else they have screens and slatted shades (so not really sound or temperature proof), yet there's air conditioning in the rooms.  It can't possibly be very efficient, but it's lovely.

Monday morning update:  I've posted some pictures of the grounds and my room.  Right now, I'd pay good money for some deodorant and a toothbrush.  I've heard that my luggage is now on the island and may be delivered today.  For the sake of everyone else at the meeting, I sure hope so.

The room - there's a screened-in balcony through the doors on the left.  To the right is the bathroom, behind me is the door to the room.

 The grounds.
 The beach (we're on the north side of the island, this would be looking northwest).
 The hotel bell tower.  Pool and open-air lunch restaurant are forward and to the right, open-air breakfast restaurant is forward and to the left.  Beach behind me.
 Most of the walkways are covered, which is good for shade and even better to keep from getting wet.  It's raining this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, wish I was there. The flight is reminiscent of a flight I took on Big Sky airlines but there was a co-pilot and 11 passengers, also bad weather and heavy fog landing in Butte. Hope your luggage arrives soon. Enjoy the meeting and post more pictures!
    Mom Julie
