10 June 2014

Still fishin'

Is this an attack formation for seagulls?

Another day, another station with low projected sablefish catches, so not much for us to do.  Yee haw.  And it’s cold and windy, just to make it more fun down in the factory.  Yesterday, the captain asked me why I take so many pictures (I’m up to ~1600), and why so many of birds?  It’s because I’m trying to keep busy, and birds make a nice moving target, especially when it’s grey outside.  Today, I think I took two pictures all day. 
Dana and I have taken to sometimes switching off shifts – one works in the morning, the other in the afternoon.  Whoever is ‘off’ checks in from time to time in case things actually get busy. 

It was cold and windy and there was a lot of spray coming off the waves and the bow of the boat as we rode up and down the waves.  The waves were mostly 5-8 feet, but towards the afternoon there were a couple of 10-15s thrown in for good measure. But, since this boat is so stable (and still really full of fuel) there wasn’t a lot of movement while we were working.  That's good, fewer bruises that way.

Saw more ST albatross today.  No whales.  Cook made halibut ceviche for lunch – very yummy.

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