05 June 2014


We’re near Adak today. It's pronounced 'a-dak', with a long 'a' like in 'may', not short 'a' like in 'Adam'.  We watched a documentary on fishing where the narrator pronounced it so that Adak sounded almost like attic...and everyone snickered.
The fishing fan club.

Today I’m breaking out the fleece pants for on top of my long underwear.  It’s very foggy and breezy, can’t see much out there.  Air temps have been ~42-46, water temps are about 42.  Brrrrr!  In the factory where we work it’s a bit warmer most of the time, usually around 50 or so.  But when the wind rips, it blows right into where we work and is c-c-c-c-cold.  I finally added glove liners so my hands don’t get so cold.  I wear my stocking hat most days, or a baseball hat with my sweatshirt hood pulled up.

We also tagged some Greenland turbot and sablefish.
Tonight we hooked up the tv in the lounge and watched Jack Reacher.  It was hard to hear the dialog above the normal boat noises – the engines are a constant, loud rumble in the background.  They guys are going to hook up a better (bigger) speaker for tomorrow.

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