07 June 2014

Birds everywhere...and plenty of time to practice tracking with the camera

Today is the halfway point of this leg of the trip. I was up in the wheelhouse at 6 am to be on hand while the crew set the gear.  It was just starting to get light when I got up there, and it was a clear, calm morning.  I got to watch the sun rise between two volcanoes. Amazing.

Sperm whales!  There were three nearby today, mostly in the distance and behind the boat.  
A sperm whale dives down.
Dana enjoying the morning view (and coffee)
It was super nice in the morning, but heavy fog rolled in after lunch and it was damp in the afternoon.

Birds, missing the view.
The gear got hung up again for quite a while in the afternoon, so I spent a lot of time on deck taking pics of birds, trying to practice tracking them as they fly. The fog and almost no wind meant a nice smooth surface on the water...a nice backdrop.

This first one might just be the best picture of the whole trip (IMHO).  The rest are some of the shots I like best.
Laysan albatross, skimming the water near the Aleutian Islands.
Glaucous-winged gull
Northern fulmar
Laysan albatross
Laysan albatross
Immature glaucous-winged gull


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