12 June 2014

Meanwhile in Juneau...

Back in Juneau, Steve is leaving for Wisconsin today.  I’m really sad I can’t go too.  There are three sampling days left (including today), then a 17-hour steam back to Dutch Harbor.  We’re going to set gear a couple of hours early tomorrow and Saturday, in the hopes that we can finish up early on Saturday afternoon and thus get back to Dutch Harbor earlier.  Dana and I have a 1:20 pm flight on Sunday, so time might get tight if we run into any weather, gear, or mechanical issues Saturday while fishing or on the steam back to port.  

Today – so very cold.  This is the coldest I’ve been the whole trip.  I can't even imagine what it's like out here in winter, when it's much colder, much windier, and you can spend hours on deck breaking ice off the ship.  I don't think I am cut out for that, and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

Dana found a tiny snailfish tucked inside a small hard coral. It was pretty cute.
Look for the small pink blob of jelly tucked into the coral, that's a fish.

Snailfish after it came out of the coral.

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