15 June 2014


Homeward bound.  And more steaming volcanoes.

We got a wake up ‘knock’ at 6 am letting us know we were pulling back into dutch harbor.  I watched from deck a bit.  The flight from Dutch to Anchorage is about 3 hours, and I filmed the takeoff – will try to post.  We have a couple hours in Anchorage, then should be home by 9 pm.  Getting of the plane to walk to the terminal in Anchorage it was 61 degrees outside and it felt almost hot after the past two weeks.  

Later –
Made it back to Juneau, but the luggage won’t arrive until tomorrow.  That wasn’t entirely unexpected, since they announced in Dutch Harbor that we had ‘weight and balance issues’ which means they can’t get all the people and luggage on board and still take off on that short runway. 
11 pm - I’m so tired but can’t sleep.  It’s too light out, the Rv’s not rocking (but it feels like it is), and it’s too darn quiet yet noisy without the white noise of the boat engines.  

I’m glad to be home, but wish Steve was here!  He’ll get back from Wisconsin on Tuesday night. Sounds like he’s having a blast there, and I’m so jealous!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing all this up. I get a little nostalgic for "real science," and I appreciate living vicariously through you. ;)
