11 May 2014

Ugh, no privacy

One of the worst things about living in Irv, with super close neighbors and very thin walls and windows...you have very little privacy.  Last night our neighbor's crazy girlfriend picked a fight with him, which turned into a loud screaming match between the two of them...We were grilling dinner so we were outside and it was super awkward.  As soon as we finished dinner we decided to get out for a bit so we didn't have to sit and listen to that all nite.

We headed downtown to one of the marinas to look at boats, one of our favorite pastimes.  Steve likes to inspect all the boats, weighing the pros and cons of size, means of propulsion, interior space vs exterior space, vessel uniqueness, etc.  I just like to wander around and look at the birds and fish and dream about living on a boat again some day.  We both miss it, though acknowledge that Juneau wouldn't be our preferred place to live on a boat...too cold and rainy!  We finally got a bit of clouds and rain yesterday and overnight, so the sunset was pretty and the dust is done for a little while.

Gastineau Channel

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