27 May 2014

Anniversary weekend

It was our 12th anniversary this weekend, and we had a lot of fun.  I didn't think about school once (well, except for when I was packing for the longline survey which I leave for on Thursday, but that was fun thinking, not stressful thinking). 

I made the most awesome French toast for a 'pre-anniversary' breakfast on Saturday.  Steve picked out the recipe - Creme Brulee French Toast (recipe here).  It was sooo good, but really, really sweet and decadent.  It was more like caramel roll french toast.  We'll make it again, but only for special occasions or company.  It was really easy to make though - you prep it all the night before, then bake in the morning. 

Sunday, our actual anniversary, we had brunch downtown then bought ourselves a dremmel as a joint gift...romantic, I know.  :)  We also spent some time stripping and starting to re-season some cast iron pans we've accumulated over the years.  Steve's definitely into restoring them...and I'm starting to dig it too.  This is the 'before seasoning but after stripping' photo.  We used oven cleaner to take all the years of gunk off of them.  It worked amazingly well. 

We are still working on re-applying seasoning.  It'll take a few more nights to get them all done (they don't all fit in the oven at the same time, so we have to do them in two batches).  Then, Sunday night I made Thai halibut curry.  It's maybe the best dish I've made EVER.  I think it would be good with chicken too.  I've got the recipe as a pdf, email me if you want it!  (or leave a comment and I'll send it to you).  The best part, all the ingredients can be found in Juneau!

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