18 May 2014

Funny story

Funny story: This morning I had to run to the (big, national brand) home improvement store in town to pick up a rug (since we had to tear out the carpet with the salsa incident).  I wanted a runner, the kind you buy by the linear foot and need to find an associate to cut it for you.  I found the first person I came across who worked there, a nice older woman and told her I needed help getting a rug cut to size.  "Oh," she said, "We need to go to the Pro Desk, follow me".  I followed, even though I couldn't figure out why we'd need to go there.  We walk maybe 10 steps, and she stops to ask a couple of ladies if they need help.  Nope, they don't, we walk on (still towards the pro desk which is on the other side of the store).  Ten more steps, she asks another customer if he needs help.  At this point, I'm thinking this is a bit odd...I mean, she's supposed to be helping ME, but whatever, maybe she's multitasking.  Another couple of steps and she sort of turns and sees me (still) behind her...and looks at me like she's seeing me for the first time.  "Oh, hi there dear, do you need some help today?"  Um.  I sort of thought that's what we were doing.  I realized that she's perhaps a bit senile.  She had NO IDEA that she was leading me somewhere.  So, I replied "Nope, I'm good." and went to find someone else! 

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