10 May 2014

Greening up

It was only last weekend that there was still a lot of ice on Mendenhall lake, but now it's all gone (except for the icebergs, they tend to stick around all summer).  Seca and I went for a leisurely stroll around the park, looking for porcupines and other critters.  It was mostly leisurely because Seca stopped every four feet or so to sniff something new.  I brought my camera and took a bunch of photos, so it all worked out. :)

This is the path out to the 'photographic overlook', which is a really scenic spot with a bench at the end.  The ground it's on was covered by the glacier until about 20-30 years ago, and you can see the scoured rock with deep scratches in it.
 More signs that summer is on the way!

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