30 May 2014

So much fun was had this day

Oh man, if it wasn't for Steve and Seca I'd never leave this place.  It's so beautiful.  I imagine winter might get a bit cold and blustery, but today, today was all about sunshine and amazing views.  The clouds burned off around 10 am and it was warm (when you were out of the wind).  Now, it's dang cold, cloudy and windy (it's 10:30 pm now).  We saw more bald eagles than people, ptarmigans, pikas (or maybe they were marmots?), sea otters, and lots and lots of mountains.  We loaded our sciency gear onto the boat this morning and met most of the crew.  We'll head out tomorrow mid-morning and I'm told we have an 18 hour steam to the first fishing site.  Not sure if that's true - seems long since I thought our sites weren't too far away.

Here's some of the highlights.  Some are a bit redundant (similar shot from slightly different angles), but whatever.  At times in the afternoon the water color looked almost like something you'd find in the Caribbean.  These are in chronological order of the day - so we went to the boat, then did some sightseeing, then went back to the boat, the did some more sightseeing, then when to the hotel for the last night before we leave.

Looking down at part of the town of Unalaska.

 Beaver Inlet:
 Looking down at Summer Bay:

 Our home for the next two weeks:

 Morris Cove:

 Look at that water color!
Not a bad view from the top of the food chain around here:

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