15 May 2014

The chicken NBA

We made breakfast burritos this morning after the gym.  I was pulling everything out and grabbed a couple of eggs and noticed that one was really tall and skinny...so I showed Steve.  His reply: "The one on the left was going to to be a chicken basketball player."  Where does he come up with this stuff? 

A few minutes later I dropped a full, brand new tub of salsa all over the carpet.  What. A. Mess.  We tried to clean it up, but then it just looked like someone vomited on the floor.  So, we pulled the carpet out and threw it out.  I'd been planning to do that this weekend anyways...now it's done! 
At least the breakfast burritos were good!  And we had a pretty good laugh cleaning salsa off the radiator, and the dog dishes, and the walls, and the fire extinguisher. 

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