02 December 2013

Finally back home

We're back home in Irv!  After being in Seattle for a week, I was home for about 12 hours before we packed up (or in my case, just left the suitcase in the car) for a house- and dog-sitting gig Thanksgiving week.  Darwin, the dog we were watching, and Seca get along great, so it was an easy week in that sense.  The house we were at had lots of slippery floors and not enough rugs though, so it was a tough week for Seca and her bad hips.  We have a vet appointment scheduled for her this week, hopefully he'll have something to help her.  In all fairness, she's 13 1/2 years old now, which is pretty old for a big (100 ish pounds) dog.  She's very, very happy to be back at home!  (And so am I!)

We're having a bit of a cold snap right now.  It was about 10 degrees or so last night, and only 53 in the Irv when we got up (at 4:30 am...it's a million times harder to crawl out of bed at that hour when it's that cold).  Actually, it was probably only 49-50 degrees back in the bedroom, which doesn't get as warm as the living/dining/kitchen area.  Our little heater just can't keep up when it's that cold outside, and we had the backup furnace set a bit too low last night.  Tonight, we'll kick it up a bit so it's not quite so cold in the morning. 

Happy December all!

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