20 December 2013

playing hooky

Fog over Mendenhall Lake

I didn't go to school today - such scandal.  I'm done with exams and took the day (and probably most of next week) off.  Yay me!

Mendenhall glacier after a snowstorm
I took the camera and headed up to the glacier around sunset (otherwise known as ~3 pm).  I was happily snapping away, tripod embedded in the snow, when I turned to look behind me to see what the trees looked like (picture below), and saw that there was someone standing behind me taking pictures of me!  Whoa.  Weird.  As soon as the guy saw me notice him, he introduced himself...he's a photographer for the local newspaper and came out to take pictures of people enjoying the nice weather.  After snapping a few more pictures (mostly of me standing there awkwardly at that point), he got my name and moved on to take pictures of the kids sledding nearby.  I think I prefer being behind the camera to getting my picture taken!

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