19 December 2013

Winter storm + final exam

Of course there's a winter storm on the one day I absolutely have to make it out to the lab for my statistics final exam.  The lab is 5 miles out of town and on a road that seems to always be the last to be plowed.  I made it here though!  I left very early (it's still dark for a couple of hours!) so I would beat most of the snow (didn't work) at the risk of beating the plows and finding an impassable road.  It was sketchy, at best, but I'm here and not even the first one in.

The capacity for snowfall in this area absolutely amazes me.  If I can, I'll take a picture to post when it's a bit lighter outside.  Snow is falling about 1-2 inches per hour depending on what part of town (more out here, less in town), which is a pretty good clip...but that's nothing compared to the other day, when we got 4 inches of snow in one hour.  I honestly didn't know that was even physically possible.  It was falling as fast as a hard rain.  Incredible.

Wish me luck!  This should be my last test, EVER!  In theory.  Other than my comprehensive exams that I need to pass to continue on with my PhD.  When I'm done I'm going to celebrate by (shoveling, then by) watching a movie at home with Seca and Neka (we're house-and-dog-sitting again).  Maybe I'll even light a fire in the wood stove!

Oooh, and I almost forgot!  We saw what we think was an ermine (in it's white phase) in the snow on our way home from the gym.  They are so darn cute. 

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