13 December 2013


We've had about 2 feet of snow at the Irv in the last two days.  So, it's pretty, but we're totally running out of places to put snow.  That's mostly because of how we're parked in a corner, and surrounded by other RVs.  Steve got up on the roof yesterday to shovel off some snow, since it was wet, heavy snow.  It's supposed to rain (ugh!) tomorrow which we leave a huge mess if it actually happens...all the street drains are covered in snow, and the surface of roads still have snow which will just turn to ice if it rains (given past experience with rain on top of snow around here!).  And if it does rain we'll have to get up on the roof again because the snow acts like a sponge with the rain and things get really heavy quick!

Snowy parking lot at school
But the worst part of all the snow is that the power keeps going out, especially here at work (where I sit typing this right now).  My laptop has a pretty good battery, but the other day the power was out for 3 hours and that's a bit longer than my battery lasts and of course today I just started backing up my computer to an external hard drive moments before the power goes out.  I hope it finishes before my battery dies. 

Happy winter!

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