22 November 2013

For a laugh...

Ok, so I had to share this story.  A group of fellow students live 'out the road' a bit and are having a party tonight (which, unfortunately, I'm going to miss since I'm not back in town until tomorrow).  But, since life in Alaska is never dull, this is the email she sent out today about the party...and note that Juneau has gotten a LOT of snow in the past 48 hours, which always makes things interesting.

"Hey everyone,

Party is still on for tonight(!), but we don't want to make it too easy for you... 

Challenge #1: The long winding road through the woods that leads to our house is still pretty snowy. If you don't have 4WD or are not confident in your 4WD, we recommend you a) carpool w/ someone with 4WD or b) park at the end of  <street X> before our 1 lane road and walk to our house. It only takes about 10 minutes. There's a big turnaround circle at the bottom of the hill at the end of <street X> where cars can fit.

Challenge #2: There has been a brown bear hanging out by our house the past week. Enough said. Be careful. Kevin has offered to stand guard with a 12 gauge but you will have to bring him whiskey.

Remember, the good things in life don't come easy ;-)  Get ready for black bear pizza and deer kabobs!

Call me at <xxx>  if you get lost, stuck, or attacked by the bear.

What she neglects to mention is that the cell phone service out there is pretty sketchy, so if you do indeed get lost, stuck, or (heaven forbid) attacked by the bear, your call probably won't go through!

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