08 December 2013

Vibrant sunset last night

Yesterday while Steve was at work, I took a break from working on my statistics class project to take some sunset photos.  The weather is supposed to turn back to snow and rain so I wanted to take advantage of the clear(-ish) skies before they were gone for who knows how long.  I drove out to Eagle Beach recreation area, about 20 or so minutes from home, and was surprised that there wasn't any other people with cameras.  I was out there for more than an hour, and I kept thinking "Oh, this is it! This is the peak of color!"  And then a few minutes, it would be even better.  I didn't leave until it was pretty dark (and very cold!).
So even though I froze my butt off waiting in the cold next to a creaking, groaning river (as the ice broke up while the tide was going down), it was worth it!  What a beautiful sunset!  Just as I was about to pack up and leave, a seal popped it's head up about 15 feet from me.  I don't think it knew what to make of me, since it would rise up and look at me for a few seconds, then pop up from another angle and get a bit more of it's head out of the water, then again from another angle...finally, it drifted away and seemed unconcerned with me.

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