27 May 2013

Anniversary celebration, day 3

Seriously , this is the best stretch of sunny weather ever.  Today it was 76 degrees.  That’s almost too warm.  J  To wrap up perhaps the best weekend ever, we started with an early morning walk with Seca out to the mendenhall glacier.  We got there long before the tourist crowds.  It was a bit underwhelming after yesterday, but still nice. 

And we got to see this cute porcupine!  Check out his gnarly orange teeth.

We haven’t been up to Mendenhall since the ice melted off the lake, so it was fun to see all the icebergs that have broken off.
After our walk we took care of some Irv maintenance then went for motorcycle ride this afternoon.  We ended up down at Tracy’s Crab Shack (downtown) for a special dinner (thanks T!).  OMG king crab legs are out of this frickin’ world.  Perfect way to end a perfect weekend!

Happy Memorial Day, and thanks to all veterans and current service members. 

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