17 May 2013

Sablefish - Part 6

Maggie, scaring a sculpin.  It went back the water, alive.

Friday -

Last day of sampling. We're having a lot of fun, but I think we're all ready to go home.  The conversations are getting sillier and sillier...today we all practiced out 'senior yearbook photo poses' and did a lot of dancing to the music to stay warm.
Katy's yearbook pose

We saw a deer on one of the beaches, which was weird to see in broad daylight.  It was really pretty cold today, but not raining until the very end of the day.  When we were tucked into the bay there was very little wind and the surface of the water was like a mirror.  There were two sea lions and three seals hanging around pretty much all day.  The sea lions would circle the boat, underwater, but creating a pressure wave that was clear enough to follow their progress. 
flushing out a sablefish's stomach
We caught two more sablefish today, for a grand total of 4.  That means 1 fish per day.  Or one fish per 8 hours.  Keep in mind that there were five of us fishing 3-4 hooks each.  That's pretty crappy.  But still, a bad day of fishing is better than a good day of work, right?
wiped out on the ferry back to Juneau

1 comment:

  1. But where is *your* year book pose, Kari? That is rotten luck on the fishing. Will she have to go back out? I would imagine she will need a larger sample size. Rotten luck!
