09 June 2013

Sunny sunny Sunday

Eagle beach, Chilkat mountains in distance
Wow, hello June!  I can't believe how time is flying by.  We're 12 days away from the longest day of the year (June 21).  Last night we went over to a friend's house and ended up staying until midnight.  When we walked outside to the car it was shocking to see that it was still twilight out...not bright enough to drive without headlights, but you could have easily gone for a night hike without a flashlight.  Official sunset is 10 pm and sunrise is 3:55 am.  This is so crazy.  I figure we're getting about 2 or 2.5 hours of actual darkness each night.  It's a really good thing we have blackout curtains in the Irv. 

In August I'm going on a leg of the sablefish longline survey.  We leave from Cordova, AK (on the coast, near the center of the map above) and will sample stations between Cordova and Kodiak.  I'm really, really excited to go, and this week I am taking the Vessel Safety/Cold Water Survival course in preparation.  We will be on a 150 foot commercial fishing vessel that has been chartered for the whole summer for the survey. 

We went for a nice motorcycle ride to the end of the road today.  Geez, it's so beautiful here when it's sunny.

Eagle beach.
Eagle beach state park.

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