12 May 2013

Sablefish sampling in Sitka - Part 1

Sunday morning me and four others (2 students, 1 professor, 1 NOAA employee...all women) boarded the Fairweather (aka 'the fast ferry') for Sitka.  We were towing a 27' aluminum boat, which barely fit on the ferry because it was so tall.  It's the university's boat, and it was practically brand new, with only 23 engine hours on the each motor.  Pretty much every man we passed was envious of the boat and would turn to stare as we went past.
Foggy view on the ferry.

The ferry ride to Sitka was uneventful because it was pretty foggy the whole way.  On a clear day (which we had on the way back) it's a gorgeous trip.  It wasn't until the trip back that I realized how narrow some of the passages are between Juneau and Sitka.  At one point it seemed like the ferry was only a few feet narrower than the navigable channel.
Sunny trip back from Sitka, much more scenic...

Wow - Sitka is beautiful.  It's a very quaint town, surrounded by mountains on a couple of sides, with Sitka Sound opening to the ocean.  There's a bunch of small islands right around the city that would make for interesting kayaking trips.  We stayed in the dorms of a former college that is now and arts center.  It had comfortable beds, hot showers, and a communal kitchen so we could cook for ourselves.
Totem Park in Sitka
View from the beach near the Totem Park

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