09 March 2013


Yesterday I dropped my school laptop while trying to open a door and get into class.  Ugh.  I killed the hard drive, but didn't crack the screen.  Hopefully the IT guy can get a new hard drive put in and it won't cost an arm and a leg.  All day yesterday I kept thinking of things I hadn't backup up yet.  There's not a ton of critical things that I lost, but lots of little annoying things.  The good news is that I had a backup at all!

Today is also shaping up to be a totally bizarre-o day.  I volunteered to be a judge for the regional SE Alaska science fair (along with 150 other judges).  There were lots of interesting projects, some really, really good ones that will go on to the international competition (none of the ones I was assigned were in that category, though a couple were very well done).  There were also a few bad ones, where either the design was poorly done or the student clearly didn't care about what they were doing.  That last category was happily rare.  Overall, I'm really glad I volunteered, and it was FUN to talk to the students, who were mostly freshmen and sophmores and really excited about their work.

The bizarre-o part happened on the way in this morning.  It was raining and about 38 degrees outside, perfectly yucky weather.  Steve had to work today, so I was dropping him off at the gym before work.  As we were approaching the gym I saw a...body...in a ditch, out of the corner of my eye.  It was too sudden to pull over safely, and there was a stoplight right ahead, so I stopped there and immediately noticed a police truck in the oncoming lane(perfect timing), waiting on the other side of the light.  I opened my window and started waving like a maniac.  He didn't see me until he was right next to me (I waited at the light), so he pulled around next to me and rolled down the window. I practically shouted "There's a body in the ditch, right there!" and he whipped around.  I dropped off Steve (it was only another couple hundred feet to the gym) and went back to see if I could help.  The look on the officer's face totally freaked me out - because he was running between the person and his truck (grabbing stuff) and looked worried.  He was (finally) able to get a response from the person, but they were soaking wet, probably very cold, and seemed really disoriented.  As I was leaving I passed the ambulance.  Holy. Crap.  That is scary.  I don't know what ultimately happened, or if the person is ok. Man, I hope he/she is ok.

1 comment:

  1. Gulp. Thank goodness you were in the right place at the right time! I imagine this might consume your thoughts -- take care. [hug]
