06 March 2013

Red curry peanut sauce

I’m clearing up a backlog of posts – things we did this past weekend, along with a recipe I made a couple of weeks ago that I really wanted to share.  So scroll down to see the posts about the weekend and stay here to get a link to The Best Recipe Ever.  

A fellow student has decided to start a monthly dinner group.  She’s hosting the first two, then we’ll see if others in the group step up to host, or if it all falls apart.  I’d love to host one, but since we live in such a tiny space, that’s not an option right now.  Each month, there’s a theme to the meals – February was Thai (in honor of the host’s trip to Thailand last winter).  March’s theme is Irish, and naturally we’re gathering the day before St. Patrick’s day.  

For the Thai dinner, I went in search of a new recipe to try and found this one at Epicurious: Red curry peanut sauce <link here>.  I ended up making it before the night of the dinner since I was so excited to try it, then bringing it again to the dinner as a dipping sauce for my favorite Thai grilled chicken recipe.  It is sooooo good.  It’s a little bit spicy, but not overwhelming.  It’s versatile – drizzle over noodles and fresh veggies for a fast dinner (that’s what’s in the photo), use it for a dipping sauce for spring rolls or chicken satay, spread it on pizza crust and have the start of an awesome Thai style pizza.  Later this week I’m going to use it as a base for a beef curry dish that I’m inventing to use a bunch of veggies I have in the fridge.  Frankly, I wanted to eat it off a spoon.  I made it almost exactly as specified, except that I put the whole can of coconut milk in (since what would I do with a partial can?).  I used Sun Luck brand ‘Authentic Thai Red Curry Paste’ for the red curry paste.  Enjoy!

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