04 March 2013

Radio contest

I forgot to mention - last week I won a restaurant gift certificate and 'Motorfist' t-shirt by correctly answering a radio trivia question! 

The question:
People were asked what they would do if they won the lottery.  The most common answer was "Start a business".  What was the SECOND most common response?

Most peole calling in guess "Pay of bills/house" or "Buy a house".

The real answer: Divorce their spouse!

Isn't that horrible??  I don't know where I had read that, but as soon as they read the question on air, I knew the right answer. 

Oh, and 'Motorfist' is apparently a company that sells snowmobile gear.  It's a pretty rad t-shirt...that I'll only ever wear for field work...


  1. Whohoo! Yeah for winning a t-shirt. Can you ever have enough field clothes? (Probably yes). How tragic an answer though. Really disturbing.

  2. Well, awesome! Which restaurant? Something good?

  3. LS - well, since I live in an RV and have limited space, and only do 2-3 weeks of field work a year, I think I'm probably at my limit of field work clothes! :) And yes, totally disturbing and sad answer.

    T - It's to a place called Rodfather's Broiler. It's a steak and hamburger joint. It's ok...like, "Juneau ok". It wouldn't survive in a lot of other cities where there's actually good restaurant options!
