31 March 2013

Happy Easter!

Juneau waterfront
We were invited to an Easter potluck at a fellow student's house today, but it was far, far too nice outside to be indoors.  We headed downtown for a long walk up and down the hills, lunch at the Silverbow bakery (awesome sandwiches!), and we saw our first ever avalanche!
Looking at town (Mt. Juneau in background) from waterfront

The mountains around downtown Juneau are very steep, and very close to town.  Gold Creek, a small creek coming down out of the mountains runs between the north edge of town and the steep side of Mt. Juneau.  You can see Mt. Juneau and the avalanche chutes on the side of the mountain in the picture above.  We were walking on one of the streets overlooking Gold Creek when the avalanche started - it was on Mt. Juneau, but not any threat to us or town.  It was pretty small, but still very loud...at first we thought it was an airplane overhead (like a big commercial one, not the small prop planes).

There's a lot of neat murals on the buildings and retaining walls in the downtown area.  This is one of my favorites.
 We walked past this cute pup relaxing on his patio. 

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