12 November 2012

The lake is frozen

First, I added a picture of Irv without the couch to the previous post, go check it out!  Look at all that space!  (And I'm not even being sarcastic)

We had our first dinner party this weekend - two friends came over for homemade Thai food (potstickers and curry) and then we played cards (Euchre!).  It was really, really fun and four people DO fit at the table, pretty comfortably.

Saturday afternoon we headed up to the Glacier - we'd heard the lake had frozen over and wanted to check it out.    We played around on the ice, and on the icebergs trapped in the ice. 
 We didn't get too close to where the glacier meets the ice but want to go back and check it out another time.

As we walked across the ice Steve and I had a conversation that went like this:
Me: Wow, there's a lot of rocks suspended in the ice.  How did they get there?
Steve (as he proceeds to run across the ice, using the suspended rocks for leverage): Seriously? (gives me his "your asking a dumb question look").
Me: Yeah, how did they get there?  They're not from the lake bed.
Steve: Duh...People throw them onto the ice.  Mostly boys..it makes a cool sound.  
We proceeded to pick up lots of rocks and throw them onto the ice to make cool sounds.  :)

 It's so humid here that when the temperatures fall we get freezing fog.  Pretty!

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are incredible! So stunning. And, good thing you have Steve with you ... to answer the difficult questions. ;) xo
