05 November 2012

Irv and the weekend plans

When we're getting rain the mountains are usually getting snow!  The Mendenhall Glacier, in the distance.

It was rainy on and off all weekend and we spent most of it running errands and getting things done around the Irv.  Last weekend after I got back from Kodiak we took the couch out of the RV and put it into storage.  We decided we needed the open space more than the extra seating/sleeping space.  It's a vast improvement - Seca can turn around now, we have a place for the dehumidifier and heater, and Seca's food dishes now sit on top of a bin to collect the recycling. 

We'd been having moisture issues in the bedroom - the cold air from under the RV and our heat from sleeping on the mattress was condensing under the mattress, which would lead to nasty mold if we didn't do something.  So, this weekend we bought some lumber and Steve build an elevated frame to allow for airflow around the mattress, similar to what a box spring and frame does for a normal bed.  It only raises the bed about 3 inches total, so it's still at an ok height.  It think it's going to work very well.

In other exciting news - Steve got a job!  He starts tomorrow at Napa Auto Parts.  Now that he has a job we're hoping to join a gym again (an expense we couldn't afford without him working), and there's only two in town.  Both are close to his work, so we'll have to visit them and pick one.  It'll be nice to get back into a gym!

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