30 November 2012

snow and ice

It snowed again yesterday - about 6 inches - and the temperature last night was hovering right around 30 so it was a weird mix of melting snow from the roof due to the heat from the RV then freezing into icicles off of pretty much everything on the RV.  The unfortunate result this morning was that the front step was built up with enough ice this morning that we couldn't get the front/main door (actually the side door) of the RV open this morning!  In a very frustrated moment I looked at Steve and said "This situation is just unacceptable to me!".  Not that he could do anything about it.  :)  We peeled back the vapor barrier to the front of the RV (the driver's cab) and climbed out the driver's side door, then pounded at the ice (think Deadliest Catch, when they're using sledgehammers to get ice off the boat, just on a smaller scale).  After a few minutes, we could go in and out of the door again.  Steve's going to try to build an awning for the front step this weekend that will hopefully stop this from happening again. 

On the other hand, it's beautiful with all the fresh snow.  After I dropped Steve off at work I risked stopping in an unplowed overlook to take an early morning picture of the glacier (top picture; same vantage point that I've posted before, just with fresh snow now).  Then I got to the harbor early (I carpool with another student who lives on a boat and it was my turn to drive) and took a few more pictures.  Happy Friday everyone!

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