21 November 2012


We've been very fortunate in that many friends and neighbors have given us wild caught seafood.  Our neighbor Darren works as a commercial fisherman and has been incredibly generous - whole salmon fillets, huge chunks of halibut, smoked sablefish...amazing.  We'd also gotten smoked salmon and more smoked sablefish from other close friends, many of whom catch and smoke it themselves.  It's very expensive for an out of state fishing permit up here - $145 for an annual permit (per person) compared to $24 for an annual permit once you become a resident.  Here's the kicker though - you need to live in AK for 12 consecutive months to be classified as a resident.  Because of this, we don't qualify as residents and don't yet have fishing licenses.  So it's great that others have been willing to share with us!

This was what I made for dinner the other night - wasabi salmon, salmon compliments of our neighbor Darren.

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