23 November 2012

Auke Bay and fog in the valley

We've had mostly sunny and cold weather this past week - and stong winds (70 mph gusts) downtown on Thanksgiving.  We took Seca for her usual walk down to the marina and took a couple of pictures.  Look at the top picture and you can see the fog over the Mendenhall Valley - the glacier often creates it's own weather.

Here we're looking across Auke Bay towards what I think is the mountains on the north end of Admiralty Island (however, I could be wrong and it could be the mountains on Douglas Island - I'll have to investigate and get it straight!). 

Douglas Island is where the local ski hill is located.  Steve and I just bought new ski boots and I got a helmet.  We're excited for the season to open - word on the street it that it should be open around December 1st!

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