11 June 2012

Weekend progress on Irv

It was a very successful weekend in terms of progress on the The List.  I figured out how to fix the crooked vent cover in the roof so it won't leak into the bathroom.  We had a wicked storm last night with 2-3 inches of rain, and it was totally dry inside Irv this morning, so I figure we're in good shape!  Actually, while it was raining last night we went and sat inside just to see what it was like, since we'll be getting a lot of rain in Juneau.  It was LOUD.  Hmmm.  I didn't expect that. 

This weekend I also: put Rain-X on the truck and RV windows, polished the yellowed RV headlights so they're a bit nicer, fixed the engine seal (that keeps debris from sliding off the windshield and into the engine compartment), lubed all of the locks on the doors and under-body storage bins, removed a broken lock and tried (in vain) to find a replacement, and re-painted to stove grates a nice shiny black.  Dad comes out on Thursday and we'll tackle a bunch of other things on The List, and I hope to get a few more things done before he gets here.

One setback though...I got a call from the people who, it turns out, are buying the RV park in Juneau from the nice old lady who runs it now.  They're still sorting out everything there (i.e. moving from paper records to electronic) and they just wanted us to know that they'd gotten our letter about confirming our spot, but they won't know until the end of the month if they have a space for us.  Insert a massive panic <here>.  They don't have any open spaces now, and they 'don't really think it will be a problem' but I can't help but be a little worried.  We don't have many options if they don't have a space.  But, I'm trying really, really hard to not freak out about it and am hoping for the best.

On a positive note, I did do something really fun!  There's very little wall space for hanging pictures or art, which is a bummer.  However, there are four cabinets that have decorated mirrors on them (above), and I really hate the mirrored look.  So, I bought some poster board and used a bunch of photographs of Steve and I, Seca, and our families and friends to make a set of collages!  I don't have them put up yet since I'm worried about what the humidity will do to the pictures in an un-cooled RV all summer, so I'll put them up right before we leave.  In the mean time, this is what they look like!

1 comment:

  1. Great progress! Oh, that is a bit worrisome about the RV park. Fingers crossed: it'll all work out! Great collages! How about laminating them?
