24 June 2012

A weekend off

...Well, a weekend mostly off.  Friday night we went to see 'Brave' and were probably the oldest adults in the audience without kids.  Good movie though.  Saturday I ran errands and took care of some minor items on The List, then we went out to dinner and for a swim at the beach.  The water is really warm and we stayed in until almost 9 pm.  Swimming in the ocean still freaks me out a bit - the biologist in me knows exactly what's out there, and they have big teeth.

Today we really goofed off - drove down to Bluffton, SC.  There's an old historic district with artsy shops and cute restaurants.  Most were closed today (Sunday, South Carolina, typical.) but it was still fun to walk around.  We stopped at Old Sheldon Church again, it's such a cool place. 

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