07 June 2012

Too much to do - and only 8 weeks left

Exactly eight weeks from today we close the door on the RV and leave Charleston.  We have a massive list of things to do between now and then.  Most of the time I'm ok with plugging through the list, trying to cross off one or two or even more things in a night.  Today, I'm feeling stressed about it all.  Part of the stress comes from not knowing what I'm doing for some things (which is why my dad is coming out next week Thursday to help for a long weekend - hopefully he can tackle the 'fix generator' item, since I'm not likely to make that happen).  I spent an hour looking through the parts manual for Irv, trying to figure out which vent cover we need as a replacement to the broken one (since the one we bought last night is wrong and of course now needs to be returned)...then another chunk of time trying to find a place to buy it and get a quote.  Don't get me wrong, nothing so far has been insurmountable, it's the sum of all the little things that are eating at me.  I took some time to combine my multiple 'to do' lists into one.  Even though it now looks longer, it helps to have it all in one place...there's a section for items relating to the RV and a section for everything else (like selling things on Craigslist, registering for classes, and ordering contact new contact lenses for us). 

We did pick up CSA veggies last night and now have a mess of fruit and veggies shoved into the fridge.  There wasn't time to take a picture or catalog what we got, so it'll be a surprise this week as we paw through bags to find dinner parts.  I suspect we'll be having a lot of odd dinners, made up of whatever we can cook easily and quickly.

Oh - and good news - it looks like after all that searching for vent covers and flipping between the picture of ours and photos of products online paid off!  I found the cover we needed at the local Camping World and even installed it myself.  Assuming it passes the Steve and Dad scrutiny test for accuracy, I totally rock.  

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