17 June 2012

Just over 6 weeks to go...

We made HUGE progress on The List over the weekend.  Dad was in town and with his help the generator is now working!  He and Steve spent a couple of hours poking around with it and finally got it up and running - something about water in the float and loose wires...  We spent Thursday night, ALL DAY Friday, and the better part of Saturday working on checking items of the list...generator, water heater, oil change, rotate tires, repack the bearings (front tires), seal all seams and windows, check fluids and belts, change the fuel filter, check the air filter, and give it a good wash from top to bottom.  Irv should be ready to go, at least mechanically!

Dad noted that we still have an awful lot of stuff in the house.  It's true.  We still have way too much stuff, more than will fit in the RV, that's for sure.  We're still weeding things out and since we have several weeks until we leave, we're still using some things we'll ultimately sell (or donate) like the TV, toaster oven, futon couch, our bed, yard tools, etc.  Other things we're not using and are still just trying to sell - know anyone who wants to buy two kayaks, a 55 gallon fish tank, two motorcycles and a tow bar?

So many people have been asking if I'm excited.  Yes.  I am.  I'm getting ready to register for classes and I'm realizing how excited I am about the classes that are offered (I take that as a good sign!).  Sometimes when The List or the seemingly thousands of things we have to do bog me down, I go online and look at pictures of the area, or check out the weather forecast for Juneau.  Then I get really happy, because it's beautiful and cold.  :)


  1. Yeah for making progress on The List! I am so excited for you guys!

  2. I've been thinking about you and wondering how your dad's visit was going. Sounds great! Congrats on getting so much stuff done!

    I assume you've posted those items you want to sell on Craigslist in Charleston, but is there any way you could take some with you and sell the along the way ... post on Craigslist in Madison, MSP? Are there motorcycle message boards for selling? Maybe put a sign in your yard? Also put a sign that says on day-xyz you're going to have a "everything must go" sale to get rid of that final stuff.

    Good luck! It's amazing -- in hingsight -- how all of those pieces came together! xo

  3. We've thought about selling things as we go, but have mostly dismissed it. If we have enough room to move it (to MN or WI) to sell, then we may as well keep it. We're also now discussing keeping one of the motorcycles...
