31 March 2012

Cooper River Bridge Run

Saturday morning we were up at 4:20 am to do the Cooper River Bridge 10K.  This is the sort of event that you only ever do once, just to say you did it.  What a zoo!  There were 44,000 people participating, which explains two things - why we had to get up so early and why we will never do it again.  It was quite a spectacle seeing the river of people going down the bridge though.
You line up in 'corrals' by wave (we were wave H, I think the waves went up to M or N, that's our wave in the picture above), which are assigned by your anticipated run time.  The race was supposed to start at 8 am with the elite wave (those who run it to win), then subsequent waves start every 5 minutes or so.  However, because there were so many people this year, the bridge wasn't cleared of traffic in time (they shut down both directions for the duration of the race) and the first wave didn't start until just before 9 am.  That meant we were standing in our corral (and getting colder by the minute) from 7:15 am until our wave finally crossed the starting line at 9:27 am!  By the time we were starting the race, the first place finisher had already finished!

It wasn't all bad though - there were lots of people in funny costumes (like the guy in the picture below, wearing a pinata on his head and getting chased by a guy with a stick).  Guys running in dresses, women running in prom dresses with tiaras, Fred Flintstone and the gang, complete with foot-powered car, and lots more.  It was also a pretty nice day once the sun came up and the rain held off until we were driving home.
Oh, and the best part is the view from the top of the bridge!

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