17 March 2012


Have you ever been so excited about something that you feel like you could explode into a million pieces of pure joy?  And I mean the 'five-year-old-night-before-Christmas/Vacation JOY'.  That's me right now.  I have a perma-smile that may take weeks to get rid of (not that I'm wanting it to go away).  Details to follow in good time...

Have a fantastic weekend!  We're driving three hours (each way) for a hike in Georgia tomorrow...I'm sure I'll post photos when we get back.

AND next weekend is the Rugged Maniac 5K - 3.2 miles with 18+ muddy, wet, and fun obstacles!  Yee haw!!


  1. :) Yes, but also want to make sure the final details are accounted for before announcing to the world. And no - I'M NOT PREGNANT.

  2. Haha Kari... I have to preface all good news with that too :) Is this related to Steve's FB announcement? We need to catch up! I want to hear all about your life and your perma-smile and get some Madison tips! You don't happen to be visiting there the week of April 2nd? What a happy coincidence that would be!
