19 March 2012

Magnolia Spring (GA)

Magnolia Springs State Park (in Georgia) was our hiking destination on Sunday.  According to the park website, the spring flows a mind-boggling 7 million gallons per day.  Wow.  It bubbles up from the ground and a small lake has formed around it.  The water was perfectly clear around the spring, and there were dozens of turtles and HUGE fish around it.  I think one of the bass was at least 18 inches and very fat.  There were are few alligators in the area too.  In fact, we thought it was funny to see an alligator sharing his sunny spot with several large turtles.  One of the other hikers said he once got a picture of an alligator sunning itself with two tiny baby turtles on it's head. 

The hike was listed in the map as 5 miles long, but there's no way it was actually that long...it was maybe 2.5 or 3 miles, tops.  It was still really fun through, because after the hike through the woods we spent time exploring the boardwalks and spring.  I dropped my camera lens cap into the water near the spring and Steve climbed off the boardwalk and into the water to get it for me.  Luckily it was only in a foot of water and the alligators were pretty far away.

There was also a pair of wood storks hanging out by the small dam at the outlet of the spring-fed lake.  They were pretty calm, even as we got pretty close.  We left before they got too uncomfortable.

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