24 March 2012

Rugged Maniac

So, it turns out that writing race numbers across your forehead is actually pretty common.  Let's just hope mine will come off before my Tuesday-Thursday meeting in Raleigh...

The Rugged Maniac 5K was a blast today!  It was 3.2 miles and about 18 obstacles, though some obstacles were kind of lame.  The race started with a short run, then up a dirt pile then down the other side where you had to crawl through the mud under a 20-25 ft stretch of barbed wire. When you got out you were wet and muddy then had to run a looooong ways through a soft, fleshly plowed field which kicked more mud and dirt up (it rained last night, so field was wet) and you feet got heavier and heavier as the mud built up on your shoes.  There were several 'crawl on stomach' through mud obstacle, jumping over 5 and 7 ft walls, climb up and over A-frame like wood structures, up cargo nets, through small tunnels...and more...it was really fun.  The final obstacle was a huge water slide into a pool of water, then over (or under) several floating tubes to the (soaking wet) finish line.  Because of the final dunking, we weren't THAT muddy crossing the finish line. 

I didn't get a lot of photos because (of course) I wasn't carrying my camera, but I did get the one at the finish line.