13 March 2012

Mom's in town

My mom is in town Saturday through Wednesday and we've been having fun and relaxing.  Yesterday we ran a few errands then spent the afternoon reading in the shade on the front porch. 

Sunday we took my mom to Cypress Gardens out in Monck's Corner.  The azaleas, magnolias, lillies, and camilias are all blooming and we saw several alligators on the boat trip through the swamp.  It was a really gorgeous day to spend outside, and I guess the alligators agreed...

We also did the short walk around the swamp, trying to spot the same alligators we'd seen from the water.  We could only find one again...but that's ok. 
 The butterfly gardens at the park were also nice and for once I was able to find a butterfly sitting still long enough to get a picture.  They have lots of tiny quail in the garden too and there were two tiny baby quail - they were smaller than a chicken egg! 
Mom is trying to get a close-up of the anole.  The picture turned out amazingly well!  Camera phones these days are really good.

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