05 February 2012

Donnelly WMA

It's the first week of February and it was 75 degrees today.  This does not bode well for summer.  I love (really, really love) spring in South Carolina, and today feels like March or April weather.  In fact, our azalea bush has several flowers starting to show pink.  I should set up a hammock in the yard and read in the shade. 

We joined the hiking club for a 2.5 hour walk at Donnelly Wildlife Management Area.  Because of the mild winter, the ticks and mosquitoes were out in force.  I think I managed to avoid all the ticks and (knock on wood) chiggers.  The hike was mostly through pine and oak forests, with parts through or adjacent to the marsh.  We saw a white pelican, cormorants, ibis, and alligators.  This place wasn't as beautiful as Botany Bay, but it was a nice change of pace for a walk.  And we met some interesting people too. 

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