11 February 2012

Saturday night fever

Steve's working late tonight because the shop is doing inventory.  I had a looooong, mentally exhausting week running a data workshop.  Good thing I went to Trader Joe's today for a totally drinkable ($4) bottle of red wine to go with the super fantastic homemade pizza I just happened to whip up for dinner.

I made Pizza bianca (thank you again, Epicurious.com, you never let me down).  Goat cheese, spinach, garlic.  The original recipe calls for Swiss chard, whatever, I used spinach.  Our house smells divine.  Now, what to do while I wait for Steve to come home??  Oh right, wine.  :) 

1 comment:

  1. Man, that looks tasty! And you have a Trader Joe's nearby? Lucky! Have a great night!
