23 February 2012

Thursday night special: pork rinds

It was far too beautiful outside to stay in for dinner, so we headed to the beach for a walk and dinner outside at a restaurant that we hadn't tried before.  Steve wore his new toe shoes.

We ate at the Surf Bar, which gets pretty good reviews on Urbanspoon.  It was really good food and they had a nice outdoor deck with the wood stove cranked up.  The appetizer special was fried pork rinds with a spicy vinegar sauce.  I think I've tried a pork rind once before (from a bag).  These were different - they looked a lot more like pig skin than the ones out of a bag.  Honestly, that grossed me out.  I ate some, and they were ok as long as I didn't think about what they were.  I probably won't ever eat them again.  Too creepy.

1 comment:

  1. Way creepy! And Steve, it looks like your hair is really crazy with the palm tree behind your head!
