04 June 2011

Some before and after photos

In April, Steve and I spent several evenings and one long weekend painting the living room, dining room, kitchen and main hallway in the house we rent.  Yes, I know, why spend money on a house you don't own?  Because it had the most awful colored walls, that's why.  After we ordered the new couch, we decided a couple of bucks worth of paint and some new picture frames wouldn't break the bank.  And what a difference it made!  The walls went from a putty yellowish-beige to a soft grey.  The couch is a dark chocolate brown.  We pulled out some photographs we've taken in our travels during the past nine years, and framed them.  Overall, I think it looks fantastic.  We're not done.  I need to add a few more things to a couple of walls, and we'd really like to upgrade to a flat panel tv...some day.  It's a work in progress, but so far I think it's a success.

Here are some before and after photos.

We painted the walls and ceiling (ceiling is white).  The Ansel Adams portrait on the left is now on the wall just to the right.  The chairs are replaced by the new couch, and the tv is now in the center of the wall, not the corner.                                                                 Before
After...we still need to hang the map, which switched places with the Ansel Adams.
The next task is to get a flat tv and stand, so we can get rid of the dvd shelves and have everything more flush with the wall.  I also want to paint the chest and get some decorative pillows for the couch and chair.
This is a 'before' shot looking towards the dining room and hallway.  You see the map on the right which was moved to the left wall.  
After: now the wall where the map used to be looks like this and we added a picture of us and of Seca.
Seca is 'helping' and eyeballing the couch.  She's not allowed on it, but will get on it if we leave for work and don't put her in the kennel or block it somehow.
I don't have a 'before' picture of the eating area.  I'm standing in the kitchen and the hallway is to the right.  I don't love the picture arrangement here, I think the black frames and black matting on two of the pictures are too heavy and unbalanced.
 I love how this arrangement of pictures turned out.  It took a long time to measure it all out and get them hung up with the correct measurements.