07 June 2011

Mini garden

I'd love to have a big, beautiful garden full of vegetables and herbs, but honestly, I'm not much of a gardener and my attention often wanders when it comes to big projects that don't have immediate payback.  That said, I did pull together a bunch of pots of herbs and a couple of tomato and pepper plants...Somehow that seemed more manageable back in March.  Fast-forward a couple of months and we're in full-on summer, with tomatoes ripening every day, just from the two plants we have.  Because it's so crazy hot here, we water them at least once a day, sometimes twice.  The other benefit to a potted 'garden' around here is not having to work in the dry, sandy soil.  The soil in our yard is so bad that the trees and shrubs in our back yard grow UP into our compost pile.  All those roots make turning the compost really difficult.

Here's our picnic table full of herbs and vegetables.  The busy-body neighborhood ladies (there's some in every neighborhood, right?) walk past it every day and have stopped me in the street with compliments.  We've got two kinds of basil (Thai and Italian), thyme, oregano, rosemary, mint (two pots), a dill forest, two kinds of peppers, and two "container" tomatoes.  Oh, and an amaryllis. 

The tomatoes are getting eaten by...something.  Anyone have any idea what?  I left one on the vine, hoping that whatever it was would focus on that one and leave the rest alone, and that seems to be working.  It starts out as a small hole, then looks like this after a couple of days:

Our peppers are getting really big!  I don't remember what kind they are off the top of my head, but I think they'll eventually turn some color other than green.

Our dill forest.  I didn't thin out the seedlings, as you can see.  It doesn't seem to be hurting the dill much however.

Totally unrelated to our garden, I made the best pulled pork pizza on Sunday.  Pulled pork on a pizza sounds weird but they put it on everything down here (think nachos and baked potatoes) so I figured it would also be good on a pizza.  It was.  :)

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