28 June 2011

Camping photos

Camping this weekend was really fun, and it turns out that it wasn't too hot up in the 'mountains' of South Carolina.  It was in the 60s at night and maybe upper 80s or low 90s during the hottest part of the day.  We had no plans for the weekend...we hiked when we wanted to hike, sat in the shade and read when it was hot, went for a scenic drive because it seemed like a good idea, and cooked excellent food!  It was great.

The visitor center at the park overlooks a small lake and has a great porch for relaxing.  It also has a nice view of Table Rock, the namesake of Table Rock State Park.

This weekend, Seca did something she's never done before.  Our first night in camp, we arrived at about 8 pm, set up the tent, and started a small fire.  By 10 pm we were ready for bed.  It had been a long drive (about 4 hours) and Seca was sort of nervous all day while I was sorting gear and loading the truck.  So when we crawled into the tent, we figured she would be tired.  We didn't expect her to dive into her bed, sprawl out and almost immediately fall asleep.  She didn't even open her eyes when I slid her over so her butt wasn't laying on Steve's sleeping pad.  She never lets us do that.  It happened again the second night, after a day hike, a drive, and some relaxing.  Just after dark, Seca walked over to the tent (which was closed up) and was trying to push her way in.  She never wants to be in the tent without us.  She was one tired dog (but she is 11 years old, so that's ok).  Here she's cashed out on the hard ground after a hike.

We hiked a short loop (1.9 miles) on Sunday afternoon.  The path follows a small creek and there are about a dozen small waterfalls.  By the time we were done it was getting pretty warm outside and the water looked really inviting.

 Steve is showing off the hobo pie he made for lunch.  We have an ongoing debate about whether they are 'hobo pies' or 'pudgie pies'.  My vote is for hobo pie, especially the dessert variety.

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