19 June 2011

Motorcycle ride & hot days in Charles Towne (and whining)

I'm trying really hard to think of reasons to like Charleston right now.  They have good restaurants.  There's lots of cool reptiles and amphibians living here.  The winters are pretty mild.  There are beaches close by.  Charleston has all that going for it and I'm still wishing we lived somewhere else.  It's hot here.  And it's flat.  And the insects (mosquitos mostly but also cockroaches) are relentless (and just plain gross for the cockroaches).  When it starts to get this hot and humid (it was 78 at 7 am this morning and will be well into the 90s today, and all week, and all month, through September usually) I really struggle.  'What should we do today?' gets harder to answer because all of the fun outdoors activities like hiking and kayaking and even motorcycles trips get less fun as it gets hotter.  By the time the ocean temp hits 88 at the beach, it's not even refreshing to get in the water (or in the kayaks).  Grrrrr.  I don't want to be stuck indoors watching movies, and even cooking gets less appealing when you don't want to heat up the kitchen or stand and sweat over a grill outside.  I'd rather be somewhere cold, where we could at least go for a walk with the dog.

Because it was *only* 78 in the morning, we went for a motorcycle ride, leaving just before 8 am.  We headed north towards the Francis Marion National Forest, which is definitely a forest, but still not very exciting for a motorcycle ride.  In my opinion, the best rides usually involve at least two of these things - interesting scenery, twisty roads, and a scenic overlook/destination.  Unfortunately, most of the roads around here are very straight, and very flat.  The forest was pretty, but lacks anything truly scenic.  We did end up in McClellanville, which is a small town on the water that was largely devastated by Hurricane Hugo in 1989.  It's a very cute town, and it fulfills the "scenic destination" requirement.  We got home just before noon - 4 hours and about 140 miles (and three short stops) later.  Our thermometer outside said it was 104 at noon, but I think it was reading too high, since it was probably only 93-95.  It was fun.  I'm glad we went.  But I'll happily take any ideas for things to do in weather like this so I don't go crazy before October arrives!

Our final destination before turning back for home: McClellanville, SC.  It's scenic, right?


  1. come home for a visit, the weather will be cooler here, can't wait to see you love Mom

  2. Hey Kari & Steve,
    How about fake snow...www.snowinseconds.com OR homemade ice cream! Yum! It is much cooler here. 60-70 and my veggies/flowers are not growing nearly fast enough. I am a tad jealous of your tomatoes! See you soon.
    ~Lance & Dawn

  3. Lance and Dawn - Ice cream is a great idea! I've never made it at home. As for the veggies, we're heading into a lull now because it's so hot. Everything starts to look sad this time of year and perks up again in the fall. Good luck on your garden!
